Custom Fabricated Stainless Steel Tanks & Silos
One of the market leaders in Australia in the design and fabrication of storage tanks
Stainless Tank & Mix is one of the market leaders in Australia in the design and fabrication of storage tanks for the water, food & beverage, pharmaceutical, dairy, wine and chemical industries. ST&M fabricate silos in a wide range of sizes to suit our client’s requirements and we are well positioned to deliver the highest quality silos within budget and on time.
Mostly the dimensions of the silo are governed by constraints specific to the particular site where the silo is to be installed. Usually, it is advantageous to design the silo tall and skinny so as not to take up too much room on site, but in the case of powdered product, this is necessary so the steep bottom cone is more manageable.
It is a good idea to determine what the expected delivery volume is likely to be and then factor in a relevant buffer volume that will ensure production is not held up should the delivery run late.
Depending on the required volume 3500mm in diameter is a generally accepted transportable diameter, but where the requirement is exceptional, up to 4800mm in diameter can be transported, but should be avoided if possible.
Stainless Tank & Mix can provide dimple plate [cavity wrap] to assist in temperature control whether it is heating or cooling that is required. Silos can be then insulated with a variety of materials such as polystyrene board, Rockwool or polyurethane and then clad with pop-rivetted colourbond sheeting, stainless steel sheet of seal welded stainless steel sheet.